Urban Fantasy Wiki
Chimera (The Korsak Brothers -1) by Rob Thurman

Chimera (The Korsak Brothers #1) by Rob Thurman

Korsak Brothers series, aka Chimera series by Rob Thurman

Genres and Sub-Genres[]

Noir-Sci-Fantasy / Sci-Thriller / Techno-Horror-Thriller

Series Description or Overview[]

“A contemporary thriller with science fiction underpinnings that blends elements of medical speculation à la Cook and Crichton with the breakneck pacing and psychological suspense of novels by Koontz and Kellerman.” -Paul Goat Allen, Barnes & Noble Book Reviews ~ RobThurman.net

From the author: Ten years ago, Stefan Korsak’s younger brother was kidnapped. No one knew who took Lukas, or why. He was simply gone. But not a day has passed that Stefan hasn’t thought about him. As a rising figure in the Russian mafia, he has finally found him. But when he rescues Lukas, he must confront a terrible truth-his brother is no longer his brother. He is a killer. Trained, brainwashed, and genetically transformed into a flesh-and-blood machine with only one purpose-assassination. Now, those who created him… will do anything to reclaim him. And the closer Stefan grows to his brother, the more he realizes that saving Lukas may be easier than surviving him… ~ RobThurman.net | CHIMERA

❖ While CHIMERA was told from Stefan’s point-of-view, BASILISK is told from Michael’s. I wanted to see him discover what it’s like to be a genuine person…not a kid raised to be an assassin in the Institute. It’s a very different POV as Stefan is an ex-Russian mafioso and Michael, Stefan’s kidnapped brother, is a trained (but utterly reluctant) assassin with no knowledge he can remember of the outside world. This is two and a half years later when Michael and Stefan have settled in a small town, hiding from the Mafiya and the Institute and Michael thinks that as a genius and trained killer (he keeps the trained part and discards the killer portion completely) that he is adjusting very well to the world. Stefan, on the other hand, might disagree. The excerpt I’ve chosen to share is from Chapters 3 & 4, not the beginning of the book, as I want to see the reaction to Michael as he’s now nineteen going on twenty and much more confident than perhaps he should be. Enjoy. ~ RobThurman.net | BASILISK

Books in Series[]

Korsak Brothers series:

  1. Chimera (2010)
  2. Basilisk (2011)

Shorts, Novellas, Anthologies and Guides[]

Other Series by Author[]

World Building[]


Miami, New York, Florida, Jericho, Mafiya, Cascade Falls, Bolivia, Portland, Oregon, Barstow, Tucson, Canada


genetically-enhanced humans, 



Stefan Korsak: a rising figure in the Russian mafia,Not a day has passed that Stefan hasn't thought about his younger brother who was kidnapped ten years ago. Not a day has passed that Stefan hasn't thought about him. When he rescues Lukas, he finds that his brother is no longer his brother. He is a trained, genetically-altered killer. Shelfari

Lukas Korsak, "Michael": (aka Misha) Taken as a child by the Institute, he was transformed into a Chimera—capable of killing with a single touch—until his brother, Stefan, found him and rescued him three years ago. They've been planning to go back to free and cure the children they had to leave behind ever since. ~ Shelfari

Michael, not content with his ability to blot out a human life by physical contact, he also guts and cannibalizes any mechanical devices he encounters, leaving bits and pieces of televisions and vending machines in his wake, scrambling electronics, and electrocuting visitors to his door. ~ Basilisk | Kings River Life Magazine


Characters What About
Stefan Korsak Russian Mafia assassin rescues brother, Misha from lab where genetically altered & imprisoned
Michael (Lukas, Misha) Korsak Chimera genetically-engineered assassin who can kill with a touch
Jericho supergenius genetic engineer wants Michael back; his pet projects are truly dangerous creations;
Saul connection for hiring mercenaries clothing is style-and-taste-challenged
Godzilla Michael’s ferret enough trouble for most people
Ariel geneticist Michael’s long-distance relationship; pink-hair;
Uncle Lev
Dr. Marcus Bellucci

To expand the table, right-press on a row of the table or (Control-press on a Mac)—choose add row.

Rob Thurman

Rob Thurman


Rob Thurman

Bio: Rob Thurman is currently writing three series for Penguin Putnam's imprint ROC FANTASY, as well as a brand-new mainstream series for Simon & Schuster's POCKET BOOKS. Rob has also written for a Charlaine Harris & Toni L.P. Kelner Anthology, WOLFSBANE AND MISTLETOE. This year, Rob contributed a post-apocalyptic, "grim" faerie tale Western to the anthology, COURTS OF THE FEY.

Rob's work is dark, non-stop action from beginning to end, rife with purely evil sarcasm as sharp as a switchblade - and probably nearly as illegal. If one shoved LORD OF THE RINGS, THE SHINING, and PULP FICTION into a wood-chipper, the result would be what Rob aims to deliver in a novel or short story.

A member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), ROB THURMAN lives in RURAL Indiana - land of endless fields, infinite cows and where dialup is still the only soul-crushing option. ~ Goodreads | Rob Thurman

Cover Artist[]

Artist: Aleta Rafton — Source:  Cover: Chimera - ISFdb

Publishing Information[]

  • Publisher: Roc
  • Author Page: Rob Thurman - Penguin Books USA
  • Bk-1: Paperback, 337 pages, Pub: June 1st 2010—ISBN: 0451463420
  • Bk-2: Paperback, 352 pages, Pub: August 2nd 2011—ISBN: 0451464141

Book Cover Blurbs[]

BOOK ONE BLURB—Chimera (2010): A sci-fi thriller that asks the questions...

What makes us human...
What makes us unique...
And what makes us kill?

Ten years ago, Stefan Korsak's younger brother was kidnapped. Not a day has passed that Stefan hasn't thought about him. As a rising figure in the Russian mafia, he has finally found him. But when he rescues Lukas, he must confront a terrible truth-his brother is no longer his brother. He is a trained, genetically-altered killer. Now, those who created him will do anything to reclaim him. And the closer Stefan grows to his brother, the more he realizes that saving Lukas may be easier than surviving him… ~ Chimera (Chimera, book 1) by Rob Thurman ~ FF

BOOK TWO BLURB—Basilisk (2011): Stefan Korsak and his genetically-altered brother have evaded the Institute for three years. When they learn the new location of the secret lab, they plan to break in and save the remaining children there. But one of the little ones doesn't want to leave. She wants to kill… ~ Goodreads | Basilisk and FF


  • Basilisk: Finalist 2011 Goodreads Choice Awards


Goodreads | Rob Thurman Quotes (Author of Nightlife)

Trivia & Notes[]

Goodreads Lists:



External References[]


Excerpts and Freebies:

Series Summaries:

The World, Characters, etc:








Fan Sites:

See Also[]

Gallery of Book Covers[]
