Urban Fantasy Wiki
Stray Souls -2012-

Stray Souls (Magicals Anonymous #1) by Kate Griffin

The Glass God -2013-

The Glass God (2013—Magicals Anonymous #2) by Kate Griffin

Magicals Anonymous series by Kate Griffin. This is the sequel series to the Matthew Swift series

Genres and Sub-Genres[]

Urban Fantasy

Series Description or Overview[]

This is the sequel series to the Matthew Swift series.

London’s soul has gone missing. Lost? Kidnapped? Murdered? Nobody knows–but when Sharon Li unexpectedly discovers she’s a shaman, she is immediately called upon to use her newfound powers of oneness with the City to rescue it from a slow but inevitable demise. The problem is, while everyone expects Sharon to have all the answers–from the Midnight Mayor to Sharon’s magically-challenged self-help group–she doesn’t have a clue where to start. But with London’s soul missing and the Gate open, there are creatures loose that won’t wait for her to catch up before they go hunting. Stray Souls is the first novel in the Magicals Anonymous series, set in the same fantastical London as the Matthew Swift novels. ~ Goodreads | Stray Souls

  • In Matthew Swift's London, plots will somehow deal with the heart, soul, and/or spirits of the city. Fang-tastic

Books in Series[]

Magicals Anonymous series:

  1. Stray Souls (2012)
  2. The Glass God (2012)

Companion Series[]

Matthew Swift series

World Building[]


Futrure, alternate London that is home to the MATTHEW SWIFT series

Supernatural Elements[]

✥ Shaman, druid, vampire, dragonling, troll, banshee, polymorph (shape changer), necromancer, goblin, Blue Electric Angels, magical umbrella


  • Magicals Anonymous: group for people (creatures?) who are having problems with their magic, founded by Sharon Li


✥ The heroine is Sharon Li, who begins as an under-employed (and soon unemployed) barista who has unexpectedly developed the ability to walk through walls. She is extremely confused about her new talent and is worried that it might come with negative side effects to her health, and she wonders if others might be in similar situations. Sharon's 21st-century solution is to create a Facebook page called "Weird Sh-- Keeps Happening to Me and I Don't Know Why But Figure I Need Help." She founds a group that she calls Magicals Anonymous (MA) and sets up a meeting for people (creatures?) who are having problems with their magic. As Matthew sums it up, Sharon is the founder of "a self-help group of the mystically buggered." (Stray Souls, p. 50)


✥ Here's a description of Sharon from the second book: "Sharon exuded the brightness of a firefly, the confidence of a double-decker bus, the optimism of a hedgehog and the tact of a small thermonuclear missile." (p. 8) ~ Fangtastic


  • Name: / What: / Sidekick-to: / About: / Book First Seen:

Characters Chart[]

Characters What About
Sharon Li shaman and support leader promoted" to Deputy Mayor; ability to walk through walls;
Rhys almost-Druid; group member allergy kept him from passing Druid test
Kevin vampire; group member condition: only drink O negative blood; hygiene obsessed
Gretel seven-foot troll; group member gourmand
Sally banshee; group member turns the blood of mortals to ice; voice causes people to writhe and scream; loves modern art
Jess polymorph (shape shifter); group member turns into a flock of pigeons,
Mr. Roding necromancer; group member 100-year-old; body parts keep falling off: must keep replacing them
Mrs. Rafaat group member; "not really magical at all"; isn't what she seems to be
Matthew Swift powerful sorcerer; Midnight Mayor can only use his powers against tangible foes; vanished
Greydawn Lonely Lady, Watchman of 4 a.m., Lady Who Walks Beside, Keeper of the Lamp, Silent Friend is missing; she guards the wall between humans & creaturesthat live in the shadows; comforts lonely people at 4am;
Sammy the Elbow goblin, shaman, mentor Matthew sends Sammy guide Sharon on shamanic skills; second greatest Shaman to walk the earth
Greydawn's dog hellhound-type creature misses her and is killing people on the streets

To expand the table, in Edit–Visual mode, right-press on a Row of the table (Control-press on a Mac)—choose add Row or Column. Or, in Source Mode: copy-paste rows.

Kate Griffin

Kate Griffin

Claire North (Kate Griffin)

Claire North (Kate Griffin)


Kate Griffin

Bio: Kate Griffin is the name under which Carnegie Medal-nominated author, Catherine Webb, writes fantasy novels for adults. An acclaimed author of young adult books under her own name, Catherine's amazing debut, Mirror Dreams, was written when she was only 14 years old, and garnered comparisons with Terry Pratchett and Philip Pullman. ~ FF

Cover Artist[]

Artist—Magicals Anonymous: The Hand Made Press ~ Source: ISFdb


Publishing Information[]

  • Publisher: Orbit
  • Author Page:
  1. Stray Souls: Paperback, 464 pages, Pub: October 30th 2012—ISBN: 0316187267
  2. The Glass God: Paperback, 447 pages, Pub: July 9th 2013—ISBN: 0356500659

Book Cover Blurbs[]

BOOK ONE BLURB—Stray Souls (2012):'Don’t look back. It wants you to look back.’ London’s soul has gone missing. Lost? Kidnapped? Murdered? Nobody knows – but when Sharon Li unexpectedly discovers she’s a shaman, she is immediately called upon to use her newfound powers of oneness with the City to rescue it from a slow but inevitable demise. The problem is, while everyone expects Sharon to have all the answers – from the Midnight Mayor to Sharon’s magically-challenged self-help group – she doesn’t have a clue where to start. But with London’s soul missing and the Gate open, there are creatures loose that won’t wait for her to catch up before they go hunting. Stray Souls is the first novel in the Magicals Anonymous series, set in the same fantastical London as the Matthew Swift novels. ~ Goodreads | Stray Souls (Magicals Anonymous, #1) by Kate Griffin

BOOK TWO BLURB—The Glass God (2012): Sharon Li: apprentice shaman and community support officer for the magically inclined. It wasn't the career Sharon had in mind, but she's getting used to running Magicals Anonymous and learning how to Be One With The City. When the Midnight Mayor goes missing, leaving only a suspiciously innocent-looking umbrella behind him, Sharon finds herself promoted. Her first task: find the Midnight Mayor. The only clues she has are a city dryad's cryptic message of doom and several pairs of abandoned shoes…Suddenly, Sharon's job feels a whole lot harder. ~  Goodreads | The Glass God (Magicals Anonymous, #2) by Kate Griffin

First Sentences[]

  1. Stray Souls (2012) — It was raining when Sharon Li became one with the city.
  2. The Glass God (2012) — He feels something press against his thigh, and half turns in indignation.


Goodreads | Kate Griffin Quotes (Author of A Madness of Angels)

“‘Don’t try your self-help crap on me!’ shrilled the goblin. ‘I’m the second greatest frickin’ shaman to ever walk the earth!’
‘Self-help would be you realising that you’ve got a problem with your social skills and trying to fix it,’ she sighed. ‘This is an intervention.’ In reply, Sammy kicked her shins again. ‘See,’ she went on wearily, barely noticing the pain. ‘That’s just so hostile.’“

Trivia & Notes[]


Read Alikes (similar elements)[]


Goodreads suggestions:

See Category links at bottom of page

Notes and Tid-bits[]

See Also[]

See Category links at bottom of this page

External References[]


Excerpts and Freebies:


World, Characters, etc:

Series & Stand Alone Pages:





Community, Fan Sites:

Gallery of Book Covers[]
