Urban Fantasy Wiki
Shadow Blade (Shadowchasers -1) by Seressia Glass

Shadow Blade (Shadowchasers #1) by Seressia Glass

The Shadowchaser Series by Seressia Glass

Genres and Sub-Genres[]

Urban Fantasy

Series Description or Overview[]

The theme of the series is the balance between light and dark, order and chaos. The series heroine, Kira Solomon, is a Shadowchaser who protects humankind by battling various demonic (aka Shadow) forces. Fang-tastic: Shadowchasers

For Kira Solomon, normal was never an option. Kira’s day job as an antiquities expert, but her true calling is as a Shadowchaser. Trained from youth to be one of the most lethal Chasers in existence, Kira serves the Gilead Commission dispatching the Fallen who sow discord and chaos. Of course, sometimes Gilead bureaucracy is as much a thorn in her side as anything the Fallen can muster against her. Right now, though, she’s got a bigger problem. Someone is turning the city of Atlanta upside-down in search of a four-millennia-old Egyptian dagger that just happens to have fallen into Kira’s hands.

Then there’s Khefar, the dagger’s true owner-a near-immortal 4000-year-old Nubian warrior who, Kira has to admit. looks pretty fine for his age. Joining forces is the only way to keep the weapon safe from the sinister Shadow force, but now Kira is in deep with someone who holds more secrets than she does, the one person who knows just how treacherous this fight is. Because every step closer to destroying the enemy is a step closer to losing herself to Shadow forever. . . .Urban Fantasy | Seressia Glass

Lead's Species[]

  • Shadowchaer, Hunter—and her touch suck out life force of anyone she touches. 

Primary Supe[]

  • Gods & Egyptian Mythology

What Sets it Apart[]

  • Egyptian Mythology

Narrative Type and Narrators[]

  • First person narrative told by

Books in Series[]

The Shadowchaser Series:

  1. Shadow blade (2010)
  2. Shadow Chase (2010)
  3. Shadow Fall (2011)
  4. Shadow Hunt (Expected publication: 2015)

Shorts, Anthologies and Guides[]


The balance between light and dark, order and chaos.

World Building[]




  • DMZ club: Owner is Demoz

Supernatural Elements:[]

Supe hunter, Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Nubian warrior, the Fallen, psychometry, Demons, witches, Trickster, Were-hyena, magic-infused dagger, Avatars, fiery power, Shadow spirits, Magical objects, ancient objects and texts, Hand of Ma’at, forces of Chaos, Hell, ,


  • Shadowchasers: Specially trained warrior who fights for the Gilead Commission against shadow forcess—like the Special Ops troops of Gilead's enforcers.
  • Banaranjan: a type of shapeshifter
  • Ma'at: goddess of truth, balance, and order—Kira's patron goddess;
  • Isis: goddess of nature and magic
  • Anansi: West African trickster demigod—spider-god* Shadowchaser: Special Ops troops of Gilead's enforcers—protects humankind by battling various demonic ('Shadow') forces, four-millennia-old magic-infused Egyptian dagger, 4000-year-old Nubian warrior…
  • Nun: the primordial waters—the god that any of different gods named as the original creator sprang from. (link)
  • Set: evil god
  • Shadow spirits:
  • Lightblade: Weapon of choice for a shadow hunter
  • the Fallen: sow discord and chaos
  • Shadow force: sinister demonic forces
  • Psychometric Powers: know history of object through touch;
  • Hand of Ma’at: Kira Solomon's new role
  • Egyptian Book of the Dead: turns out to have truly sinister properties

Groups & Organizations:[]

  • Gilead Commission::


The mythology in this series is centered on ancient Egyptian goddesses, particularly Ma'at (goddess of truth, balance, and order) and Isis (goddess of nature and magic). Kira uses her psychometric talents and her fiery power to track down and defeat various Shadow spirits, particularly the Fallen, whose spirits can possess human bodies and turn those bodies into Avatars (aka possessed bodies). Kira is the Shadowchaser protector of Atlanta, where she reports to a Section Chief of the Gilead Commission. Kira became a part of Gilead when she was twelve years old. Like many UF heroines, Kira was adopted, and she doesn't know the identities of her biological parents. Her adoptive parents dropped her off at the Gilead when her powers erupted at the start of puberty. Those powers can drain the life force from any person she touches, so Kira must wear gloves at all times, unless she is facing an enemy. The Shadowchasers could be called the Special Ops troops of Gilead's enforcers.

Here's a quotation from Shadow Blade explaining the role of Shadowchasers: "Shadowchasers were sent in when upper echelon Shadow creatures attempted to disrupt the Universal Balance and tip the world into Shadow and Chaos, usually in ways that involved high body counts." (p. 11)

The name of the person who heads the Gilead Commission is called Balm (as in Balm of Gilead, from the spiritual and the bible verse). Balm is Kira's surrogate mother and protector as well as being the leader of Gilead. As Kira says at one point, "There has always been a Balm in Gilead...." (Shadow Chase, p. 154)

As a side job, Kira is a freelance antiquities expert who also collects a variety of ancient objects and texts. As Shadow Blade opens, Kira's mentor (Bernie Comstock) has brought her an ancient, magic-infused dagger to identify. When Bernie is murdered by a demon sent by a Fallen who wants the dagger, Kira vows to avenge his death. Shortly thereafter, the owner of the dagger turns up: a 4,000-year-old Nubian warrior who has the ability to come back from the dead—over and over again. Naturally enough, Khefar is tall, dark, and handsome. After a rough start, Kira and Khefar team up to go after the Fallen who is responsible for Bernie's death. They are aided by Khefar's traveling buddy, the West African trickster demigod, Anansi (aka Nansi or Nansee). Also assisting are Kira's two best friends, both human, who are weapons experts: Wynne, a metalsmith, and her husband Zeroun (aka Zoo), a witch. By the end of the book, the dark forces have gone down in defeat, but they have left a bit of themselves within Kira. ~ Fang-tastic Fiction: Seressia Glass: SHADOWCHASERS


✥ Kira Solomon is a Shadowchaser. Raised by the head of the Gilead Commission because her powers made it impossible to raise her as a normal girl, she has become one of their best. Her very touch will suck the life energy out of a person. Now her day job is as an antiquities dealer, but her night job is to take out the Fallen as they try to enable Shadow to take over the world. An old friend and mentor brings her an ancient Egyptian dagger that seems infused with dark energy and intelligence. A dagger that people will kill for. ~ Curled Up


  • Name: Anansi, aka Nansee / What: trickster spider god / Sidekick-to: Khefar / About: Khefar's traveling companion / Book First Seen: Shadowblade #1 (2010), (Shadowchaser Series

Characters Chart[]

Characters What About
Kira Solomon Shadowchaser protector of Atlanta; protects humankind by battling various demonic (aka Shadow) forces; uses her psychometric talents and her fiery power to track down and defeat various Shadow spirits, particularly the Fallen
Khefar Nubian warrior millennia-old; only person known to be able to touch Kira without any adverse effects; 4,000-year-old Nubian warrior;
Bernie Comstock Kira’s mentor, like a father to her; brought her an ancient, magic-infused dagger to identify; murdered by a demon sent by a Fallen for the dagger; spirit still advises her;
Balm Gilead leader Balm is Kira's adoptive mother and protector as well as being the leader of Gilead;
Anansi, aka Nansee trickster demigod Khefar's traveling companion; West African trickster demigod; has his own secrets; humor, compassion, cunning, solicitude;
Wynne metalsmith Kira's BFF; husband: Zeroun; assists Kira in chase for Fallen who killed Bernie;
Zoo, aka Zeroun witch wife: Wynne; assists Kira in chase for Fallen who killed Bernie;
Ma'at goddess of truth, balance Kira's patron goddess;
Marit a Shadow force Shadow opponent from book 1; joins Set & Myshael bk-3;
Demoz Psychic vampire Kira's informer; Owner of DMZ club;
Sanchez Section chief for the Gilead Commission for Atlanta;
Set #3 Egyptian god he and Myshael try to force Kira to submit to them and do their bidding; in dreams call Kira "daughter", tell her to give in to her dark Shadow heritage;
Myshael #3 Lady of Sorrows one of Balm's counterparts; she and Set try to force Kira to submit to them and do their bidding; in dreams call Kira "daughter", tell her to give in to her dark Shadow heritage;
Solis Lady of Between one of Balm's counterparts;
Monica Couchman Interrogator for the Gilead Commission;
Roshonda Biers Were-hyena challenges Kandake Amoye for the position of head of the local were-hyena clan
Bale: bat shifter, banaranjan leader Head of the local banaranjan clan; Usually in human form, can take on a bat-like form;
Jessen Banaranjan works at the hospital
Donohue Human lie detector works for the Gilead Commission
Yessara Angel of Peace works for Demoz:
Charlie Jenkins Commander of Special Response Team for the Gilead Commission;
Warren: Light adept Light adept/Suppressor;
Lysander Gilead Balm's personal assistant
Rinna Banaranjan Bale's partner

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Seressia Glass 2

Seressia Glass


Seressia Glass

Bio: Seressia Glass is an award-winning author of urban fantasy, contemporary romance and paranormal romance. Her current series include the Shadowchasers urban fantasy series and the Sons of Anubis paranormal romance series.

Seressia lives north of Atlanta with her guitar-wielding husband and two attack poodles. When not working on her next story, Seressia is an instructional designer for an international home improvement company. She spends her free time people-watching, belly dancing, and watching way too much anime. ~ Goodreads | Seressia Glass

Cover Artist[]

Artist: Craig White (for Shadow Fall)

Publishing Information[]

Book Cover Blurbs[]

BOOK ONE—Shadow blade (2010): Kira’s day job as an antiquities expert, but her true calling is as a Shadowchaser. Trained from youth to be one of the most lethal Chasers in existence, Kira serves the Gilead Commission dispatching the Fallen who sow discord and chaos. Of course, sometimes Gilead bureaucracy is as much a thorn in her side as anything the Fallen can muster against her. Right now, though, she’s got a bigger problem. Someone is turning the city of Atlanta upside-down in search of a four-millennia-old Egyptian dagger that just happens to have fallen into Kira’s hands. Then there’s Khefar, the dagger’s true owner-a near-immortal 4000-year-old Nubian warrior who, Kira has to admit, looks pretty fine for his age. Joining forces is the only way to keep the weapon safe from the sinister Shadow force, but now Kira is in deep with someone who holds more secrets than she does, the one person who knows just how treacherous this fight is. Because every step closer to destroying the enemy is a step closer to losing herself to Shadow forever. . . .Goodreads | Shadow Blade

BOOK TWO—Shadow Chase (2010): In a job like this, one mistake can cost you everything. As a Shadowchaser, Kira Solomon has been trained to serve the Light, dispatch the Fallen, and prevent the spread of chaos. It’s a deadly job, and Kira knows the horror of spilling innocent blood. But now she has a new role, as the Hand of Ma’at, the Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Order, and an assignment that might just redeem her. A fellow Shadowchaser has gone missing, and so has a unique artifact imbued with astonishing magic. Unless the Vessel of Nun is returned, it will cause destruction beyond anything the modern world has seen. Kira’s got a team at her back, including Khefar, a near-immortal Nubian warrior who’s already died for her once. But as complicated as her feelings for him are, they’re nothing compared to the difficulties of the task she faces. And the only way to defeat the enemy is to trust in a power she can barely control, and put her life—and her soul—on the line. ~Goodreads | Shadow Chase (Shadowchasers, #2) by Seressia Glass

BOOK THREE—Shadow Fall (2011): Truth is the most dangerous weapon of all . . . Kira Solomon’s life has never been simple. Battling against the Fallen, serving the Egyptian goddess Ma’at, becoming romantically involved with a 4,000-year-old Nubian warrior—these are now everyday realities. But something is changing. Kira’s magic is becoming dangerously unpredictable, tainted by the Shadow she has been trained to destroy. Matters grow worse when an Atlanta museum exhibit based on the Egyptian Book of the Dead turns out to have truly sinister properties. As the body count rises, even long-trusted allies start to turn against Kira. She can hardly blame them—not when the God of Chaos is stalking her dreams and the shocking truth about her origins is finally coming to light. As one of the good guys, Kira was a force to be reckoned with. But if the only way to stop a terrifying adversary is to fight Shadow with Shadow, then she’s ready to find out just how very bad she can be… ~ Goodreads | Shadow Fall (Shadowchasers, #3) by Seressia Glass

BOOK FOUR—Shadow Hunt (expected 2015): ~ Goodreads | Shadow Hunt (Shadowchasers, #4) by Seressia Glass

First Sentences[]

  1. Shadow Blade (2010) — Kira sat on a rough-hewn bench with faded tapestry cushions, her back against the gray stone wall of the hall.
  2. Shadow Chase (2010) — Coming back from the dead was exhausting work.
  3. Shadow Fall (2011) — Kira drew her Lightblade, but didn't bother calling its power.


Read Alikes (similar elements)[]

Egyptian, Sumerian, Persian, Mid-East Mythology:



Gods, Myth as Main Supe

See Category links at bottom of page


Awards and Accolades

  • 2006 Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award Winner, Through the Fire
  • 2006 Emma Award for Best Anthology Winner, Vegas Bites
  • 2006 Romance in Color Reviewers’ Choice Awards nominee, Genesis Press Book of the Year, Through the Fire
  • 2006 Romance in Color Reviewers’ Choice Awards nominee, Anthology of the Year, Vegas Bites
  • 2006 Romance in Color Reviewers’ Choice Awards nominee, Novella of the Year, Double Down from Vegas Bites
  • 2006 Romance in Color Reviewers’ Choice Awards nominee, Author of the Year
  • 2001 Emma Awards nominee, Best New Author
  • 2000 Romance in Color Reviewers’ Choice Awards winner, New Author of the Year
  • 2000 Romance in Color Reviewers’ Choice Awards winner, Genesis Book of the Year, No Commitment Required
  • 1986 Winner, “Living the Dream” essay contest, inaugural Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday celebration

About | Seressia Glass



Series status[]

Current situation with the series, as posted in a comment on the author's website:

"At the moment, there is no publisher for for the Shadowchasers series. So, I’m going to take them independent. I am currently working on the fourth book, SHADOW HUNT, and hope to have something out before the end of the year.
Not only am I slow writer, but I also want my first independent book to be the very best that it can be. I’m also hoping ot have a short story available that wraps up the last book and kicks off the next set of stories. It will be posted here on the website for free, so please stay tuned. ~ Shadowchasers series

See Also[]

See Category links at bottom of page

External References[]



World, Characters, etc:


1– Shadow Blade

2– Shadow Chase

3– Shadow Fall



Community, Fan Sites:

Gallery of Book Covers[]
